Tax assistance and consultancy:
- Assistance during tax inspections and other controls of tax authorities
- Assistance in relationships with tax authorities: tax settlement, self-defense, judicial conciliation
- Assistance and representation at any level of tax litigation
- Information and periodical newsletters about main tax and fiscal news
- Answers to specific questions on tax matters
- Filling in and submission of annual income tax return (Modello UNICO individuals, businessess, non-profit organizations, corporations, IRAP, Modello 730, etc.)
- Calculation of advances and balances of taxes
- Filling in and submission of the annual declaration of withholding agents (770 Form) and annual summary certifications
- Filling in and submission of the IMU declaration form and related payments
- Obligations relating to indirect taxes (registration, stamp duty, mortgage, land, inheritance and donations tax, etc.)
- Telematic communications of VAT data changes to the Revenue Agency
- Filling in and submission of annual VAT communication and form, and INTRASTAT summary lists
- Assistance of VAT reimbursement in other EU countries.